ESL Office Staff, Peer Mentors, Tutors and Computer Classrooms
ESL Office Staff
ESL Office Staff are here to help you every step of the way from completing applications
to registering for classes to applying for financial aid.
SBCC Cliff Drive Campus
Humanities Building, room H-328
(805) 730-4120
ESL Peer Mentors
Peer advisors are students who support ESL students. The ESL Peer Advising for Student
Success (PASS) program employs current advanced and former ESL students as peer advisors.
These special students understand the challenges of navigating a college system and
succeeding in classes. They share their knowledge and experience with ESL students.
The PASS office is located in Humanities room H-328.
Contact: (805) 770-1470
ESL Tutoring
We have fabulous tutors for ESL students. Most ESL classes have a tutor as a special part of the class community. Students can ask questions and get help from their class tutors on most days that their class meets. In addition, students can make appointments for one-on-one help from tutors. ESL also has a tutoring center. The tutoring center is a place where students can drop in to ask questions, study and complete homework assignments. Tutors are native speakers of English as well as former ESL students.
ESL/SoML Computer Classrooms
ESL and SoML share a computer lab: one classroom with PCs (H-327) and one classroom with iMacs (H-328A). Teachers take classes to the lab to help students with Canvas, writing papers, doing projects and presentations, and other classwork. All SBCC students can check out a Chromebook for free from the Luria Library for the whole semester.